Monday, December 7, 2020


 Okay... I have now killed a few of Rioter and Jeer's men they seem to either be in the middle of a war or they've made up, cause I keep running into them very close to each other and it's almost impossible to even tell which is which except that some still carry around identifying marks. 

Anyway after fighting all by myself against a bunch of crazy buff caveman jungle dudes I have one thought... 

Why did I run away from the guy who can literally fire lightning from his hands. I'm an idiot. 

If I run into more of those weird things I'm so dead... Hell a wrong move with one of these guys would likely still result in horrible death. 

I like to think if I was still my normal self I wouldn't have let my emotions get in the way and make me act like an idiot. I would have tactically assessed things and made the best possible choice...

Which would probably have been that I am a perfect being and don't need the awesome magic man... So... Stupid, but from a different angle...

I've been learning so much about myself since I became human... Most of it not good. 

I think I'm almost out of bullets too, so I should probably start using my knife more which means getting in close with these big burly monsters... I'm not looking forward to this... I wish Drake was here...

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Dr. Genome

 So, while I was waiting in the woods to recover my strength I heard someone approaching. I got ready to fight when something, unexpected showed up. It was a man, walking with a cane. He didn't seem infected by the spores and there was something immediately familiar about him. I knew I should know who it was, but couldn't exactly place why.

The who however quickly answered itself when he teleported over and disarmed me in a few seconds. I knew who it was then and why he was here. It was Doctor Ferris, I'd been reading his blogs. I was on the ground at that point and I quickly raised my hands in surrender and spoke.

"Wait wait wait! You're Doctor Ferris aren't you? I'm Genome. We're here for the same purpose, sort of. Sorry I pointed my weapon at you," he relented then and helped me up even was nice enough to give me back my weapon. 

I mean I guess he didn't have much reason for concern. He's probably one of the only humans in the world who was capable of actually being a threat to me. 

I did in fact feel much safer with him as we journeyed further into the forest. We talked a bit, mostly stuff that didn't matter. About his powers, the fears, I spoke about adjusting to being human now and he spoke a bit about what happened to Tyler. 

We ran into the occasional enemy, but they were easy enough to dispatch with the two of us. 

Then however we ran into something... different. I'll let him talk about them himself later cause... I don't know much about them, but he seemed to know what they were. 

The fight however, well that's different. I did my best... I fought with everything I had... and I couldn't even hit them. If I had been alone I would have died. I can't even blame it on this weaker human form. I don't think even at my height of power I would have stood a chance. I ended up just doing my best to survive and meanwhile he... a for all intents and purposes normal human was fighting these things and winning. 

It... Shook me. In my life I had fought and killed plenty of humans, quite a few towerborn even and assorted other servants of the Fears... even in this weaker human form I had managed to kill Spit and yet... None of it mattered. I was and am weaker than Doctor Ferris. I don't even think it's close. 

I've deluded myself my entire life believing myself to be some sort of God, all powerful, all knowledgeable, but... I was just a servant then, one of many and now I'm even less than that. I've never been anything special.. Doctor Ferris is something special. Something unique.

Hell even Drake is something more special than I am. He's a normal human who saved my life in the forest and saved a bunch of other people risking his life to let others reach the forest safely. 

When the fight was over I... Didn't know what I was any more... I didn't feel like I belonged near Doctor Ferris. I felt like a liability. 

That's when I noticed something was watching the fight. It was one of Rioter's... or Jeer's wild people. It fled upon noticing that I was watching and I didn't even think before chasing after it. It was an excuse to get away from Doctor Ferris and not think. I had a job to do and I may not be worth much, but I can at least do this.

I caught up with the fleeing wildman and found that he'd led me back to a group. 

I don't have time for introspection now, it's time for action so I'm writing this now and then I'm going killing.

I can at least handle a bunch of brutes...

Friday, December 4, 2020

Through the Blizzard and Lightning... and strings... and Memory loss... and Guilt? Whatever the fuck the Valravn does?

 So... There was gunfire and death and a moose and also that one guy who can shoot lightning. 

With all that going on Drake and I... Continued to stay in hiding. I mean as much fun as it would be to help kill some people, we weren't going to risk ourselves unnecessarily and the Moose definitely seemed to have things in hand.

 The Superpowered people probably helped a bit too. 

Of course after the KRAKEN and White Comet people were done with we still had to deal with the Fears. 

Luckily we had had a plan already to deal with that. Of course things went a bit... More crazy than we expected.  

The Convocation was joined by The Wooden Girl and The Black Dog... Then The Blind Man showed up and our back up the Cold Boy joined him as did The Valravn. What is the Valravn... Honestly I'll get back to you on that one, but at least it appears to be on our side. 

So... This was the moment. Time to get into the forest. Drake and I emerged from our hiding spot wearing what were essentially lightly armored Hazardous Materials suits and we waddled as fast as we could towards the Forest. Lightning fell all around us as did dead frozen bird corpses, At least one person got grabbed by The Wooden Girl and turned their guns on the rest of the group. Which ended up being a problem and I ended up splitting up from Drake as Drake decided to go deal with them arguing that it was important that more than just the two of us made it into the forest. 

Before he ran off he grabbed my hand and told me he trusted me and knew that even without him I could handle things and then he ran off and last I saw of him was him tackling the unfortunate person and trying to wrench the gun from their hands. 


After that I remember almost getting hit by some kind of flesh tendril from the Dog, that was caught by The Blind Man and then I was in the forest and the sounds of the fighting were rapidly falling away behind me. 

I was worn out from all the running and took a few seconds to update and catch my breath. 

I think someone is coming, but they're talking and probably therefore aren't monsters... So... Honestly I'm just gonna keep resting. I really don't feel like running anymore.


Friday, November 27, 2020

I was going to title this post Busy, but then the shooting started...

 So... It's been a while. That would be because we ran into a bit of a problem at the edge of the forest... Followed by another problem. We have attempted to enter the forest a number of different times and from a number of different directions and each time we ran into problems. 

First we ran into a section of the forest that was... Well completely Black... We weren't sure what was going on, until the leaves started to move and we ended up fleeing from the MASSIVE FLOCK OF CONVOCATION BIRDS THAT HAD BEEN LITERALLY BLOCKING OUT THE ENTIRETY OF A FOREST CANOPY

so... Anyway we tried again a bit later after being told we'd get help from our new patrons. Except now there was a roadblock being created by KRAKEN and some other group. I checked around and I assume these are the White Comet people the AMU blog mentioned. 

We're pretty bad ass, but the Fears weren't going to help with these guys apparently and Drake and I alone weren't going to get through. We tried another avenue, but... Well... There were... Monster's there... I don't know how better to explain it, so we found ourselves just kind of waiting watching that barricade which seems like the best way in, but we needed a distraction, which is when The AMU apparently decided to show up... Well I say that like it happened with perfect timing. We had been camped out trying to come up with a plan for a few hours before we saw them arriving. We were hidden so I don't think they saw us, but whatever they were planning seemed like a good chance for that.

I am currently writing this while the AMU, KRAKEN and the White Comet are having a shoot out.With any luck this will be a good chance to get in, but we're waiting till the shooting at least drops off a bit and most of the combatants are de-

Excuse me I just saw a Moose running by... I'm gonna end this post here cause there is no way I am not finding out what the hell that's about?

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Into the woods

 So, first off... Drake seemingly is the masked man who saved me from the forest the first time. Which is awesome and apparently not a coincidence he showed up to help me out again against those KRAKEN douchebags. 

Apparently ever since he saved me he's been keeping tabs on me. He follows The AMU blog and learned about my blog through them and went to save me both times my blog said I was in danger, which is nice of him. 

Why me in particular... Apparently because I'm seemingly the only person he's seen involved in all this who doesn't have anyone else to help them which is... Nice, but also makes me feel a bit... I dunno...

Anyway the important point is, Drake got us both hazmat suits and guns and we're going to be heading back into the forest to find and organ harvest Jeer and Rioter. Should be fun. 

Definitely feels good knowing I'm going in with weaponry and back up that won't betray me this time. I will definitely enjoy shooting Rioter in his smug face!

Monday, August 31, 2020


 Okay... So... Information. All of The KRAKEN guys are dead. So, is the seed that was planted apparently. Drake is alive and the two of us are apparently staying with The Cold Boy now... Sort of. Apparently the Fears are split on the existence of this new forest... Some of them support it and want to help it spread and some, The Cold Boy included want to bring The Newborn back. I was brought to a temporary location being used by one of these groups. 

Drake explained all of this to me when I came down from all the pain medication. The Fears have a job for us. They want me and Drake to go into the Seattle Forest and well... Perform an organ theft on Rioter and Jeer. Apparently the Fears want to collect parts from ex- Thoughtborn... Which is apparently why The Cold Boy needed to take my eye. I mean... I'm sure there was a less traumatizing way that could have happened, but I mean not much I can do about that. 

Arguing with the Fears is likely to just result in my death so, I guess we're going back into the forest... Drake says he's done it before and he knows how we can do it. We're not going immediately as Drake has left to go get some supplies. 

I'm just resting and trying to get used to my new lack of depth perception.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Fight for your life. What little of it there might remain.

Running, hiding... There's no escape. The doors, windows even the secret exit are all frozen over. We're going to die, but there's one last thing I can do. One last thing I can do to justify this life of mine. After he woke up my new friend split up from me saying he had a plan. I don't know what it is, but it doesn't matter. We can't survive against The Cold Boy, but I know what I can do. Spit is still alive and I'm going to make absolutely sure my last act on this planet is gutting him like the pig he is. 

You know... I'm starting to like this maid outfit though. I created this body initially because the idea of killing misogynistic assholes while looking like a girly girl struck me as hilarious. I kind of get the same vibe killing these KRAKEN dicks in the maid outfit. 

Sneaking around, using hidden pathways, taking them down one by one, it almost feels like I'm Batman... Except lethal... My maid outfit is starting to get stained red from the blood. No sign of Spit though. 

I heard a voice. It's my new friend. I arrived in the entrance way of the base and found him he had some kind of fire going right in front of the door. I was about to call out to him when I suddenly felt something grab me from behind, I struck instinctively and felt the blade slice into flesh and I was released, turning and leveling my knife at Spit who was grasping his arm where the blade had cut a big gash into his arm. He raises his gun aiming it at me.

"You fucking bitch... I'm going to cut off your head and then I'll have my way with your corpse!" classy... I took a step forward and then lunged to the side as he fired, landing on my feet and rushing towards him, slashing at his face, but he caught my wrist stopping my slash, before he could respond though I swung my leg up hitting him directly between the legs, he collapsed to his knees, but didn't let go of my hand so as soon as my foot landed again I brought my knee up slamming it into his face, hearing the satisfying crunch of his nose. At that point he did let go of me and fell onto his ass. It felt really good. All of his strength and size advantage didn't matter in the end. I tried to stab him while he was fallen, but he managed to block with his gun arm, but that made him drop the gun. He swung his arm up and caught me on the cheek knocking me away and he got up holding his bleeding nose. "You b-" he started, but he was caught by surprise as I dashed towards his legs, he moved out of the way in surprise and I grabbed his gun and rolled firing two shots, one into his skull and the other into his gut. 

 I felt absolute elation as I watched him collapse, "Holy shit" I heard and turned to see my new friend, watching in surprise. I got up and just to look even more badass I proceeded to wipe the blood on the knife off on his corpse. He grinned at the gesture and then the front doors suddenly burst open and we both turned just as a number of Children of The Cold entered. 

 This was it. Our death, I didn't mind. I'd gotten to kill Spit and I'd gladly accept whatever fate awaited now. It's not like I had much of a choice. I heard a voice, 


"You're Genome aren't you?" the voice spoke and I turned and found myself staring into a blurry face. The Cold Boy was standing right in front of me.

"Y... Yes?" I answered my body shaking not from the cold, but from terror. 

"How you've fallen," he says and a chill went up my spine, "You're lucky, you and I have a similar motivation. I won't kill you here, but I do need something from you," he says and then pain lanced through my body starting in my right eye. It was like thousands of tiny knives slicing into my eye, I collapsed forward and heard my friend scream my name, the vision in my right eye blurred filling with blood. There was a tearing sensation and I screamed in pain and then watched with my left eye as my right eye pulled out of the socket. It was frozen perfectly solid, like an ice sculpture of an eye. It floated over to The Cold Boy and he grabbed it. I collapsed to the ground, blood leaking from my eye and I heard a gunshot and then felt hands grabbing me. 


I woke up a bit later. There was a bandage around my head and my friend entered and seemed happy to see me. I'm... Still not feeling great obviously, but I was able to write up this post. It might be a bit weird... I'm on a couple of pain medications apparently. 

Oh and apparently my new friend's name is Drake.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Shit... Shit shit shit!

 Okay... I knew it was just a matter of time. Shit's going bad. Bad for KRAKEN and especially bad for me. 

The good news, Leo is dead, the bad news Spit isn't. The worse news they know who I am. The entire outside of my base is frozen over and The Cold Boy is here somewhere killing seemingly indiscriminately. 

The surprising news. I have an ally. 

I'm currently hiding. I mean this is my base I know it better than these KRAKEN fucks. I won't be able to hide here for long, but for the moment it's a safe spot to think and plan and I might as well also inform people of the situation. Some of the information I learned might be useful to... I dunno. The AMU or something. Look I'm mostly talking, because it keeps me from panicking. 

So, here's what happened. The snowstorm was getting worse and now we could see Cold Ones watching the building. It seemed pretty obvious none of us were making it out alive. Which apparently meant the KRAKEN guys decided to make sure that I'd die first. I was called in to see Leo like usual, but as I entered Spit was there as were a bunch of the other guys. The new guy was there as well. They were armed and watching me. Leo called me over and I went and he grabbed me and pulled me against him, "So... What was your name again? I can't remember what the name you gave us was... It doesn't matter though does it, Genome?" at that point I stopped caring and wasn't about to let him get off whatever dramatic pantomime he had waiting. I knew it was only a matter of time until something like this happened if not this exactly and so I'd been prepared. I'd had a knife hidden on my person since the day they arrived. I drew it out and was lucky that my position meant only he and I could see the knife. I got the satisfaction of watching his eyes widen before the knife slashed across his throat. I fell off his lap as he released me clutching for my throat and I heard yelling behind me which I expected, what I didn't expect was the gurgling noises. I turned expecting bullets to pierce my skin, instead I saw two KRAKEN members collapsing to the ground knives sticking out of their throats and our visitor stabbing another who tried to turn their gun on him. 

Either he could just manifest knives at will or he had a lot more knives hidden on him than I did. Either way he was taking up KRAKEN's attention which gave me a chance to flee. Unfortunately I didn't get far as all of a sudden the floor became slippery with Ice and I collapsed face down as did everyone else in the room and I slid into something. I glanced up and looked into the face of The Cold Boy. 

The next few seconds were even greater Chaos. A number of people died immediately as they opened fire on the Fear and The Visitor slid over and helped me to my feet, darting us both around The Cold Boy and towards the door, just as some kind of icicle explosion went off in the room and I could hear flesh being torn apart. The visitor and I weren't entirely unscathed. Jagged shards of ice peppered both of us, I have multiple cuts and bruises and so does he, but he also got a chunk of ice to the skull that seems to have knocked him cold... Pardon the pun. He's alive and I got him into hiding at the moment, hopefully he'll wake up, but I can hear fighting going on and KRAKEN guys are seemingly looking for us still, which honestly you'd think they'd have more interesting things to care about.

Oh and um... While unconscious he spoke in his sleep... He said

"After all I've done they'll have to tell me how to apply..."

Monday, August 24, 2020


 Well... If nothing else apparently I've gotten really good at making Coffee. Apparently "if I wasn't such a stupid bitch otherwise, I'd make good wife material." Leo's words of course. More importantly it is now pretty obvious that Blue is in fact the problem. Blue being The Cold Boy. We've spotted him a few times. Twice simply standing outside singing, once inside. I obviously could not care less if he killed the KRAKEN guys, but I'd very much like to not die. Of course his arrival also came with a massive snowstorm so we're all trapped inside.

The cold temperature and all of us inside is where I got lots of practice preparing hot coffee by the way. Ironically the cold temperature also seems to have made life here slightly better for me. Most of them are too busy being cold and trying to figure out how to deal with this to be huge assholes to me. 

Also we had a visitor. Well more like a guest since he's staying here for a bit. He's not with KRAKEN apparently. He showed up wearing a heavy jacket, scarf and one of those stupid winter hats with the bobbles on top. Begged to be let in and since he's white and male and doesn't seem to know anything about The Fears, The KRAKEN guys decided it would be okay if he stayed for a bit. He was immediately relegated to the same job as me. They even forced him into a maid suit as well. Which is... Weirdly Homoerotic for a bunch of homophobic assholes, but whatever.

Actually it just occurred to me... Where did they even get the one maid outfit let alone two? Do they just carry around maid outfits. 

Anyway regardless the guy seems pretty nice. We've gotten to talking a bit while we're you know... Doing stupid menial tasks like coffee making...

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

KRAKEN report

So, the leader of the KRAKEN guys who took over my base is named Leo, he's a servant of The Intrusion. From my memories I remember that The Intrusion's servants are called Drones. They're pretty horrifically mutated humans with insectlike features and once they've gone long enough they become absorbed into the hivemind and lose all individuality.

He's not that far along. He's still mostly human, but he has segmented eyes that let him see in an impressive range of vision and he seems to be able to climb walls. Like the rest of them he's got me running chores for him, but if I had to choose any of them, it would probably be him. He's still a complete ass and I'd gladly kill all of them if I had the chance, but at least he's somewhat professional.

I cannot tell you how many times I have been groped since they moved in. At least all he does is insult me, belittle my gender and make sexist or lewd jokes, he's yet to actually do anything physically to me.

The good news if you can call it that is groping is the only thing they've done and it's seemingly almost reflexive just quick grabs when I'm walking past them or stuff like that. They're too busy to actually pay much attention to me. Well all of them except one that is.

Leo's right hand man is a guy who calls himself Spit. He's... Well he's scary. I don't like him and I don't even think most of the KRAKEN guys like him. He walks around shirtless so everyone can see that he's got a full on Swastika tattooed onto his chest alongside quite a few other racist symbols. I'd recount each of them, but it would take a while and I feel like The Swastika gets the point across clear enough.

His main job seems to be to just hang around Leo and yell at people. I get the feeling his actual job is to hurt people and there's just no one in need of hurting just yet. This does give him a lot of free time, however and he seems to enjoy spending that time making my life miserable.

I'm fairly sure terrible things would happen if he got me alone, so I've been trying my best to keep that from happening. Other people hasn't stopped him from doing quite a bit of awful stuff already though.

Most recently I made hot coffee for Leo on his orders. The weather has been getting colder here lately and Spit demanded that he get to try the coffee first before I gave it to Leo. He apparently didn't like it. He poured the coffee on my head and told me I needed to make a new batch before I could go wash. I had to make more coffee while the burning hot coffee was scalding me.

Luckily I didn't make it extremely hot or I'd probably be in a lot worse shape now, but it was still incredibly painful and humiliating. I also didn't get to wash the maid outfit so now it has lovely coffee stains on it. Bastard couldn't even let me keep what little dignity I still had in this stupid outfit.

Although I guess... None of this is really important. I didn't even mean to talk about any of this here. No I meant to talk about something more important.

While I was serving breakfast to Leo and Spit they were talking about something. They knew I was there and so they tried to keep things vague, but much like the rest of the KRAKEN agents I've met so far. They're pretty stupid. It wasn't hard to discern the meaning of phrases like "The Seed has found fertile soil" especially combined with the fact they've been literally filling rooms of the base with gardening materials.

I mean I could be wrong, maybe they're talking about something entirely different, but if I had to guess. They somehow got their hands on one of the seeds or pods or whatever from the forest and are trying to grow another forest. From what I understand though at the moment the seed is struggling to grow.

It seems to be on account of the cold weather. They're blaming blue for it, which in my mind can only mean one thing and I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not...

Anyway I need to make sure no one catches me typing on here so I'm gonna go now. I've been hiding the laptop inside a broken portion of the console I used to be housed in. There's no power going to it and they're not interested in broken machines so it's a pretty safe place and it just feels... Right you know?

Monday, July 6, 2020


So, KRAKEN... A bunch of incompetent losers who may be considered responsible for the end of the world.

It's been a while since I've thought about them. After what happened in Seattle It wouldn't be entirely unexpected that they'd be gone for good. Unfortunately though that is not the case. See on top of being surprisingly competent fighters, they are also surprisingly large and multi-faceted with multiple "Tentacles" operating in different areas. Their failure in Seattle while devastating to the country and possibly the world was only a setback to the organization.

It seems as well that other Tentacles have moved back in trying to re-establish dominance in this area. I haven't been able to learn too much, but it seems they have some kind of plan now for The forest.

Maybe I can learn more... As for how I'm learning any of this. That would be because apparently these incoming KRAKEN agents found my abandoned little base and decided it would be a great temporary headquarters. Luckily for me they don't seem to know who I am and think I'm just some runaway kid who took shelter in this abandoned place.

They do know about me apparently though. One of them tried to tell me how lucky I was that they got here and that I didn't run into the previous owner. Told me terrifying stories about the horrible monster who used to live here. It was insulting and also strangely complimentary.

They're also sexist assholes who have been treating me like a maid. One even tried to get me to wear a maid costume... Well actually I said tried, but I guess he technically succeeded.

I am essentially powerless at the moment and making them mad seems like a bad idea so I suppose I'm technically their maid for the moment. Hopefully I'll come up with some kind of plan to deal with them soon.

Pompous assholes...

I imagine I won't live if they find out about me though so my updates will be limited for the moment.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


I made it back home and as long as I'm out of the Forest now my memories seem to be getting better.

Returning back to the base was... Disheartening. It was completely abandoned. Everything was still working, but all of my Towerborn were gone. I had left quite a few behind when I went to see Rioter and I guess with me being gone so long they... Just left. I'm all alone now.

I don't like it.

On another note! I tried food for the first time in a while. I don't normally have much use for money, but it is occasionally useful and so we had a small store of cash just in case we needed to bribe someone or something. I took a few dollars and went to a local restaurant. Some fast food place. I'd have preferred something more fine, but I didn't want to spend too much money and after my time in the forest and the time it took to get back home I was starving so, I settled.

I ordered a hamburger and some fries and well... Food tastes good. I'm assuming this is not a new bit of information for most of you, but you cannot imagine what it's like to taste food for the first time. At least the first time you can remember.

I am smart enough to know I shouldn't eat too much as that will result in a negative impact on my health. I will restrain myself to only eat when I am hungry. I don't have the money to spend on tons of food anyway.

So, that out of the way... as well as various other body related issues it's time to figure out what to do now.

I'm not sure. I'm not going back to the forest... Definitely not. Not without a lot more preparation.

I could probably seek help from The AMU, but they might be mad at me for my little trick with the book and I'm not sure I want to go to The Archive in my current state. I mean there's no guarantee they won't try to take advantage of my vulnerable form to run all kinds of experiments on me.

There's ARC, but I never really looked into them all that much and don't know much about them at all. I think I'm still on my own. I'll figure something out...

Right now though... I think I'm going to sleep. I am just so tired...

Friday, April 24, 2020


I'm not going to be dramatic. Before I tell you how it happened I'm gonna tell you that I am out of The forest and I am... Mostly fine. I... Memory a bit... Have to check my name and blog to remind myself of stuff. Pretty constantly hungry... Which by the way Hunger is a fairly new sensation to me and I don't like it. Hungry, tired and um the third thing.

So... As for the forest. Well... After my last post I...

Sorry got distracted and forgot to continue writing for a bit there. This is going to be a problem. My perfect mind and perfect body are both failing me now. I hate this...

Anyway right! So... After that last post I just picked a direction and started heading in that direction.

At some point I started struggling to remember why I was even moving, but I always remembered that I was supposed to keep going in that direction so that worked out even if it was horrifying. I always thought the Blind Man was honestly kind of funny. I'd laugh at the idea of humans being scared of some kind taking their memories from them, but it is damn scary just suddenly losing those. Struggling to recall things. It's a goddamn nightmare. I mean...

Your memory is all that you are really? Without your memory you're not you anymore. You're something else with your body...

Ugh... Just thinking about it and how close I came to losing it all makes me shiver...

I got distracted again didn't I?

Fuck where was I?

Right! I made it to a point where I could see the forest moving and even in my addled brain I remembered that meant I was near the edge... Which is when one of Jeer's psychos found me.

I remembered that I was afraid of him, but at the time I was so tired and addled that I didn't really remember why. I didn't remember if I was supposed to run or fight and upon spotting me he just stood there and watched. Like he was expecting something. When whatever he was expecting didn't happen he started to approach and then well... He just kind of exploded... Everything above his stomach just kind of exploded into red and then a few seconds later a waxy feeling object grabbed me and started dragging me. I didn't struggle. I didn't remember why I should.

I woke up a bit later outside the forest. It took me a while to figure out what happened. Someone wearing a haz-mat suit and wielding some seriously high caliber weaponry apparently based on what happened to Jeer's guy saved me. I vaguely remembered being pushed into the passenger seat of a car... and then I woke up in an abandoned house. The area I'm in is abandoned since it's close enough to the forest it will probably be engulfed soon. The area was therefore evacuated meaning there were conveniently abandoned houses for my unknown saviour to leave me in.

When I came too I was actually in a bathtub and my body was covered in powder. What kind of powder was a mystery that was pretty quickly discovered. Apparently my saviour also saw fit to disinfect me with some kind of powder that I assume was meant to cleanse any remaining spores from my body. Anyway I'm gonna get the hell out of here now and hopefully I can remember the way back to my actual home. I doubt I'll have much luck trying to find my saviour so that's hardly worth it and I really just want to be back somewhere familiar.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

To fear is Mortal

It's been a while hasn't it? Well partly that's because I lost the ability to update this blog for a while. I needed to get access to a computer to do so.

I can no longer hear anything in my mind, but my own thoughts... What little of my mechanical body remained is gone. I'm completely flesh and blood now. A human just like the rest of you.

Luckily so are Rioter and Jeer. I'm stuck in the jungle still and I'm worried. I thought the spores wouldn't affect us anymore, but I was wrong. Extremely wrong. Every second I'm here it gets harder to think. If I had started as a normal human I'd probably be no better than an animal by now, but luckily for me I started as a god machine and it took some time for me to regress to this level.

I need to get out of here before it's too late. Before I regress to the intelligence level of an animal or before Jeer, Rioter or any of the others find me. They've all regressed. Jeer and his group of "Forest Wardens" or whatever the hell they were called are mere animals now. I watched one tear the head off of one of Rioter's followers and he then began just... Just eating his face... It was horrible.

I'm not gonna be able to travel for a bit so I suppose if I need to wait I might as well tell you what happened.

Rioter's group returned and told us Jeer had agreed to meet us. We were brought deeper into the jungle and found Jeer. He was at that point of course completely human... Well subhuman... He was a complete animal and he and his group almost immediately attacked us. Which was when we learned that we had been affected by the spores and had become pretty much completely human now. The fight didn't go very well for us. I watched Rioter's men try to fight and get mostly slaughtered. Jeer's men fighting with tooth and claw as well as rocks and sticks. I didn't stay very long to see what was happening. I fled when the person closest to me got their arm cut off and went down screaming and bleeding.

I ran as quickly as I could. I had thought being able to feel pain was terrible, but earlier I had not truly understood what pain was. The ground was covered in debris and thorns and other things and I could feel my feet and legs being cut to pieces and eventually I collapsed and crawled for a while. I found... Well I found a laptop. I think the place I am right now was once a park in Seattle. I found a laptop covered in lichen on a mass of wood and flowers that I think was once a bench. The laptop worked somehow...

I couldn't tell you how. Nothing else technological seems to be working in this place. Weirder than that it has a full battery and internet access.

So... There's the story. Rioter and Jeers groups fought. I'm pretty sure Rioter's group got destroyed, but I'm not sure. I'm trapped in this jungle. I'm slowly losing my mind. I have a weird probably magical laptop and I'm bleeding from cuts pretty much all over my body and every muscle in my body aches. I'm desperately trying to work up the will to keep moving, but I just can't. Everything hurts too much and... I'm too scared. I'm scared I'm going to die. IF they find me they'll undoubtedly kill me.

Everything still hurts, but I'm having trouble remembering my name and that's enough to motivate me to try and get the hell out of here again.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Into The Jungle

I... Don't think Rioter wants an alliance. I say that because on the way the last of my Towerborn were killed. Rioter said something about them being traitors, but that's pretty obviously a lie.

I'm not a psychologist, but I'm pretty sure what Rioter wants is control. I mean... I admit I wasn't the nicest person back when we were all perfect electronic minds, but I think he might be a little... Vengeful? He wants me to work for him. Maybe he gets pleasure out of having me at his command. I mean we are becoming human I wouldn't be surprised if that came with all kinds of strange neuroses as well.

Regardless, I'm all alone with Rioter and his Towerborn now and we're standing at the... Well... We were standing at the edge of the spore zone, but it seems to have passed over us while I was writing this...

Rioter sent a few of his Towerborn to try and find Jeer earlier. Hopefully they'll be back soon. Maybe we can just talk to Jeer? I can hope right?

Rioter says they're coming back... I'll update you on what happens.

Sunday, January 12, 2020


So, I went to visit Rioter. I brought what few Towerborn still seemed loyal to me. What I found upon arriving was chaos.

Rioter like myself was inhabiting a flesh body now, but his was a large and imposing figure and when I arrived I found him and many of his towerborn huddled in the burned out remains of his base. They were almost feral, speaking in rapid clipped sentences with simple words. Rioter had never been intelligent, a useful brute was what he was at least comparatively and it seemed now that was what he had truly become. I'm lucky that he recognized me and was not immediately hostile although two of my Towerborn were killed. I'm not entirely sure why, but one of Rioter's towerborn simply decided to bludgeon two of mine to death. My best guess was because I had one more Towerborn with me than Rioter did. Rioter said nothing about it, but I would not be surprised to find out he had somehow ordered it just to make sure he had the advantage. Rioter didn't kill me on sight, but it was not a friendly encounter.

I asked Rioter about Jeer and he responded with this:

"The Infant God dead, we new gods.I know. You not know. You cling to dead god. Jeer worship new god. You join me. We kill Jeer. We kill Plant God. We become god"

I have trouble believing that his speech patterns weren't some kind of intentional act, but that was what he said. I responded.

"We're not gods. The Newborn was a god and this plant monster might be a god, but we're not gods-"

and that's when he grabbed me by the throat, slammed me to the ground and said:

"Join? Die?"

which seemed like a pretty obvious choice. So, now I'm with Rioter and our gathered Towerborn heading into Seattle to try and find and kill Jeer. With luck Rioter will die too and who knows maybe we'll be able to kill the giant plant. Rioter seems to think the spores won't affect us further. Hopefully he's right.

In short. Going to see Rioter might have been a mistake.