Monday, August 31, 2020


 Okay... So... Information. All of The KRAKEN guys are dead. So, is the seed that was planted apparently. Drake is alive and the two of us are apparently staying with The Cold Boy now... Sort of. Apparently the Fears are split on the existence of this new forest... Some of them support it and want to help it spread and some, The Cold Boy included want to bring The Newborn back. I was brought to a temporary location being used by one of these groups. 

Drake explained all of this to me when I came down from all the pain medication. The Fears have a job for us. They want me and Drake to go into the Seattle Forest and well... Perform an organ theft on Rioter and Jeer. Apparently the Fears want to collect parts from ex- Thoughtborn... Which is apparently why The Cold Boy needed to take my eye. I mean... I'm sure there was a less traumatizing way that could have happened, but I mean not much I can do about that. 

Arguing with the Fears is likely to just result in my death so, I guess we're going back into the forest... Drake says he's done it before and he knows how we can do it. We're not going immediately as Drake has left to go get some supplies. 

I'm just resting and trying to get used to my new lack of depth perception.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Fight for your life. What little of it there might remain.

Running, hiding... There's no escape. The doors, windows even the secret exit are all frozen over. We're going to die, but there's one last thing I can do. One last thing I can do to justify this life of mine. After he woke up my new friend split up from me saying he had a plan. I don't know what it is, but it doesn't matter. We can't survive against The Cold Boy, but I know what I can do. Spit is still alive and I'm going to make absolutely sure my last act on this planet is gutting him like the pig he is. 

You know... I'm starting to like this maid outfit though. I created this body initially because the idea of killing misogynistic assholes while looking like a girly girl struck me as hilarious. I kind of get the same vibe killing these KRAKEN dicks in the maid outfit. 

Sneaking around, using hidden pathways, taking them down one by one, it almost feels like I'm Batman... Except lethal... My maid outfit is starting to get stained red from the blood. No sign of Spit though. 

I heard a voice. It's my new friend. I arrived in the entrance way of the base and found him he had some kind of fire going right in front of the door. I was about to call out to him when I suddenly felt something grab me from behind, I struck instinctively and felt the blade slice into flesh and I was released, turning and leveling my knife at Spit who was grasping his arm where the blade had cut a big gash into his arm. He raises his gun aiming it at me.

"You fucking bitch... I'm going to cut off your head and then I'll have my way with your corpse!" classy... I took a step forward and then lunged to the side as he fired, landing on my feet and rushing towards him, slashing at his face, but he caught my wrist stopping my slash, before he could respond though I swung my leg up hitting him directly between the legs, he collapsed to his knees, but didn't let go of my hand so as soon as my foot landed again I brought my knee up slamming it into his face, hearing the satisfying crunch of his nose. At that point he did let go of me and fell onto his ass. It felt really good. All of his strength and size advantage didn't matter in the end. I tried to stab him while he was fallen, but he managed to block with his gun arm, but that made him drop the gun. He swung his arm up and caught me on the cheek knocking me away and he got up holding his bleeding nose. "You b-" he started, but he was caught by surprise as I dashed towards his legs, he moved out of the way in surprise and I grabbed his gun and rolled firing two shots, one into his skull and the other into his gut. 

 I felt absolute elation as I watched him collapse, "Holy shit" I heard and turned to see my new friend, watching in surprise. I got up and just to look even more badass I proceeded to wipe the blood on the knife off on his corpse. He grinned at the gesture and then the front doors suddenly burst open and we both turned just as a number of Children of The Cold entered. 

 This was it. Our death, I didn't mind. I'd gotten to kill Spit and I'd gladly accept whatever fate awaited now. It's not like I had much of a choice. I heard a voice, 


"You're Genome aren't you?" the voice spoke and I turned and found myself staring into a blurry face. The Cold Boy was standing right in front of me.

"Y... Yes?" I answered my body shaking not from the cold, but from terror. 

"How you've fallen," he says and a chill went up my spine, "You're lucky, you and I have a similar motivation. I won't kill you here, but I do need something from you," he says and then pain lanced through my body starting in my right eye. It was like thousands of tiny knives slicing into my eye, I collapsed forward and heard my friend scream my name, the vision in my right eye blurred filling with blood. There was a tearing sensation and I screamed in pain and then watched with my left eye as my right eye pulled out of the socket. It was frozen perfectly solid, like an ice sculpture of an eye. It floated over to The Cold Boy and he grabbed it. I collapsed to the ground, blood leaking from my eye and I heard a gunshot and then felt hands grabbing me. 


I woke up a bit later. There was a bandage around my head and my friend entered and seemed happy to see me. I'm... Still not feeling great obviously, but I was able to write up this post. It might be a bit weird... I'm on a couple of pain medications apparently. 

Oh and apparently my new friend's name is Drake.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Shit... Shit shit shit!

 Okay... I knew it was just a matter of time. Shit's going bad. Bad for KRAKEN and especially bad for me. 

The good news, Leo is dead, the bad news Spit isn't. The worse news they know who I am. The entire outside of my base is frozen over and The Cold Boy is here somewhere killing seemingly indiscriminately. 

The surprising news. I have an ally. 

I'm currently hiding. I mean this is my base I know it better than these KRAKEN fucks. I won't be able to hide here for long, but for the moment it's a safe spot to think and plan and I might as well also inform people of the situation. Some of the information I learned might be useful to... I dunno. The AMU or something. Look I'm mostly talking, because it keeps me from panicking. 

So, here's what happened. The snowstorm was getting worse and now we could see Cold Ones watching the building. It seemed pretty obvious none of us were making it out alive. Which apparently meant the KRAKEN guys decided to make sure that I'd die first. I was called in to see Leo like usual, but as I entered Spit was there as were a bunch of the other guys. The new guy was there as well. They were armed and watching me. Leo called me over and I went and he grabbed me and pulled me against him, "So... What was your name again? I can't remember what the name you gave us was... It doesn't matter though does it, Genome?" at that point I stopped caring and wasn't about to let him get off whatever dramatic pantomime he had waiting. I knew it was only a matter of time until something like this happened if not this exactly and so I'd been prepared. I'd had a knife hidden on my person since the day they arrived. I drew it out and was lucky that my position meant only he and I could see the knife. I got the satisfaction of watching his eyes widen before the knife slashed across his throat. I fell off his lap as he released me clutching for my throat and I heard yelling behind me which I expected, what I didn't expect was the gurgling noises. I turned expecting bullets to pierce my skin, instead I saw two KRAKEN members collapsing to the ground knives sticking out of their throats and our visitor stabbing another who tried to turn their gun on him. 

Either he could just manifest knives at will or he had a lot more knives hidden on him than I did. Either way he was taking up KRAKEN's attention which gave me a chance to flee. Unfortunately I didn't get far as all of a sudden the floor became slippery with Ice and I collapsed face down as did everyone else in the room and I slid into something. I glanced up and looked into the face of The Cold Boy. 

The next few seconds were even greater Chaos. A number of people died immediately as they opened fire on the Fear and The Visitor slid over and helped me to my feet, darting us both around The Cold Boy and towards the door, just as some kind of icicle explosion went off in the room and I could hear flesh being torn apart. The visitor and I weren't entirely unscathed. Jagged shards of ice peppered both of us, I have multiple cuts and bruises and so does he, but he also got a chunk of ice to the skull that seems to have knocked him cold... Pardon the pun. He's alive and I got him into hiding at the moment, hopefully he'll wake up, but I can hear fighting going on and KRAKEN guys are seemingly looking for us still, which honestly you'd think they'd have more interesting things to care about.

Oh and um... While unconscious he spoke in his sleep... He said

"After all I've done they'll have to tell me how to apply..."

Monday, August 24, 2020


 Well... If nothing else apparently I've gotten really good at making Coffee. Apparently "if I wasn't such a stupid bitch otherwise, I'd make good wife material." Leo's words of course. More importantly it is now pretty obvious that Blue is in fact the problem. Blue being The Cold Boy. We've spotted him a few times. Twice simply standing outside singing, once inside. I obviously could not care less if he killed the KRAKEN guys, but I'd very much like to not die. Of course his arrival also came with a massive snowstorm so we're all trapped inside.

The cold temperature and all of us inside is where I got lots of practice preparing hot coffee by the way. Ironically the cold temperature also seems to have made life here slightly better for me. Most of them are too busy being cold and trying to figure out how to deal with this to be huge assholes to me. 

Also we had a visitor. Well more like a guest since he's staying here for a bit. He's not with KRAKEN apparently. He showed up wearing a heavy jacket, scarf and one of those stupid winter hats with the bobbles on top. Begged to be let in and since he's white and male and doesn't seem to know anything about The Fears, The KRAKEN guys decided it would be okay if he stayed for a bit. He was immediately relegated to the same job as me. They even forced him into a maid suit as well. Which is... Weirdly Homoerotic for a bunch of homophobic assholes, but whatever.

Actually it just occurred to me... Where did they even get the one maid outfit let alone two? Do they just carry around maid outfits. 

Anyway regardless the guy seems pretty nice. We've gotten to talking a bit while we're you know... Doing stupid menial tasks like coffee making...