Sunday, July 7, 2019


While I wait for Rioter to be ready I have gone ahead with my correspondence plans with The AMU.

If things go badly and we do not manage to get our hands on the book The AMU will have to suffice to get us information on the book.

Also from our interactions I must say they are amazingly polite and professional. I'm aware that as an organization responding politely and professionally is standard, but it's still nice to interact with such when you're mostly used to Towerborn and crazed cultists.

The first few correspondences were mostly tests to learn about the organization and the difference between what they pretended to be and what they actually were which I learned through my own research.

"Greetings! My name is Genome. I am a thoughtborn and based on the research I have done into your university I imagine you already know what that is and won't be requiring any further explanation. I am contacting you in regards to the recent theft of books from your campus. Specifically I was wondering what information you still had regarding the missing books. IE: copies of the books contents or even summaries of the information within the books?"

The reply was as follows

"Hello Genome, We do not have any copies of the stolen books at the moment. We would be willing to give you some information about them, provided we get something in return. Greetings. Signed -Lauri Strawn, Library director of AMU"

to which I replied,

 "As you are aware I am an absolute fount of information and would be glad to make any sort of deal in return for knowledge pertaining to the stolen books,"

her response was... somewhat terse, but I suppose that is to be expected. I was being intentionally vague since I was unsure whether it would be wise to make known my exact desired information.

"Yes, we are aware. Is there any specific information you desire? Or is this just a general inquiry?"

I decided to come clean here and explain my exact desired information.

"I was actually hoping for information regarding the book known as 'The Tower of Wires'"

"Of course. We would be willing to disclose that information in exchange for some information on Towerborn. Specifically we would request some memory data stored on one of the Towerborn units. So we could analyze it. Obviously it would have to have been an active unit. While any data would be valuable, the data of a unit that merely sat still all day would not yield much interesting data. If you agree to this deal we can send you our file on the book. We then will send additional files on the book when we have the data. Preferably stored on an external device."

 I was surprised by this request. I am unsure if they know something I don't or are just unaware of the nature of Towerborn. I couldn't imagine what kind of useful information they could get from a Towerborn. Regardless I was happy to take this deal and who knows perhaps they did get something from value that I simply don't understand.

 "Towerborn data? That would be simple enough. I could send you a full working Towerborn with instructions to allow you to do whatever you wish with it. It's not like the Towerborn contain any information that could be compromising to The Newborn" I explained.

"That would be great. It's the Towerborn itself we are interested in, not the Newborn. So we have a deal?" came the response. Which was reassuring. Perhaps I'm simply paranoid. Perhaps the spirit of scientific curiosity is as pure a motivation as it seems.

 "Yes we have a deal and I am sure we could have many more mutually beneficial interactions in the future" I responded. After that she sent me a file containing information on the book and informing me that she would send the rest of the file upon arrival of the Towerborn. At which point I indeed sent a Towerborn to The AMU for their use. I imagine they were satisfied as I got the rest of the information shortly afterward. The information is much less useful than I had hoped, but it does have some interesting knowledge and makes me even more eager to get my hands on the entire book.

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