Friday, July 26, 2019


So... The nice, friendly lady at The AMU is torturing people. That's cool. Makes me wish I'd gotten some captives of my own. I've mostly been just looking into things lately. Specifically I've been looking into... memories.

Mortal may have been right about somethings... Doesn't make him not a traitor... Or make me feel bad for deleting him.

I've been using some techniques that had been noted in the book and I accessed... Well Memories... Garbled... Difficult to parse... But memories of mine. Locked away. Useless is what they are, no faces, no names... Just stupid things... Remembering graduations, birthday parties... Other things like that, but words are always indiscernible and faces are blurred. They won't help me find out who I was... I... If I even wanted to know I mean. Which I don't.

I'm a synthetic being now with access to all the information the internet has to offer and control of an army of cybernetic beings. Whatever flesh being I was is unimportant, a bug that I have evolved from into something greater... It's... Simply curiousity... Yeah that's it. I'm just curious. I'm a being of knowledge and here's some knowledge I don't have... Of course I'd want to know!

See everything makes sense logically. Emotions and sentiments are for things that aren't perfect synthetic gods.

Oh... Also The Newborn just informed me that apparently KRAKEN has their hands on a piece of The Newborn in Larval form. Which... I should have already known about, because the blog of a person named Addie. A blog I read... How did I miss this information... Easy. The Newborn erased knowledge of it from my memory. Apparently it didn't want me to know at the time. Knowing that this is something The Newborn can do at anytime is a little... Troubling and also raises some questions... Like... Why did it let me remember what I read in the book? Perhaps it actually doesn't consider me knowing the truth of what I am to be a bad thing?

Anyway my new job is to get The Newborn Larva back from KRAKEN which means more fun time killing people and playing KRAKEN base whack-a-mole until we find the right one.

Edit: Correction. The nice friendly Lady I talked to at The AMU is not the person who posts on the blog. The person who posts to the blog is named Avie and does not conform to the imposed human concept of gender. I apologize for this mistake. It was not made out of malice, but because I do not put much effort into recognizing one flesh monster from another.

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