Monday, December 7, 2020


 Okay... I have now killed a few of Rioter and Jeer's men they seem to either be in the middle of a war or they've made up, cause I keep running into them very close to each other and it's almost impossible to even tell which is which except that some still carry around identifying marks. 

Anyway after fighting all by myself against a bunch of crazy buff caveman jungle dudes I have one thought... 

Why did I run away from the guy who can literally fire lightning from his hands. I'm an idiot. 

If I run into more of those weird things I'm so dead... Hell a wrong move with one of these guys would likely still result in horrible death. 

I like to think if I was still my normal self I wouldn't have let my emotions get in the way and make me act like an idiot. I would have tactically assessed things and made the best possible choice...

Which would probably have been that I am a perfect being and don't need the awesome magic man... So... Stupid, but from a different angle...

I've been learning so much about myself since I became human... Most of it not good. 

I think I'm almost out of bullets too, so I should probably start using my knife more which means getting in close with these big burly monsters... I'm not looking forward to this... I wish Drake was here...

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Dr. Genome

 So, while I was waiting in the woods to recover my strength I heard someone approaching. I got ready to fight when something, unexpected showed up. It was a man, walking with a cane. He didn't seem infected by the spores and there was something immediately familiar about him. I knew I should know who it was, but couldn't exactly place why.

The who however quickly answered itself when he teleported over and disarmed me in a few seconds. I knew who it was then and why he was here. It was Doctor Ferris, I'd been reading his blogs. I was on the ground at that point and I quickly raised my hands in surrender and spoke.

"Wait wait wait! You're Doctor Ferris aren't you? I'm Genome. We're here for the same purpose, sort of. Sorry I pointed my weapon at you," he relented then and helped me up even was nice enough to give me back my weapon. 

I mean I guess he didn't have much reason for concern. He's probably one of the only humans in the world who was capable of actually being a threat to me. 

I did in fact feel much safer with him as we journeyed further into the forest. We talked a bit, mostly stuff that didn't matter. About his powers, the fears, I spoke about adjusting to being human now and he spoke a bit about what happened to Tyler. 

We ran into the occasional enemy, but they were easy enough to dispatch with the two of us. 

Then however we ran into something... different. I'll let him talk about them himself later cause... I don't know much about them, but he seemed to know what they were. 

The fight however, well that's different. I did my best... I fought with everything I had... and I couldn't even hit them. If I had been alone I would have died. I can't even blame it on this weaker human form. I don't think even at my height of power I would have stood a chance. I ended up just doing my best to survive and meanwhile he... a for all intents and purposes normal human was fighting these things and winning. 

It... Shook me. In my life I had fought and killed plenty of humans, quite a few towerborn even and assorted other servants of the Fears... even in this weaker human form I had managed to kill Spit and yet... None of it mattered. I was and am weaker than Doctor Ferris. I don't even think it's close. 

I've deluded myself my entire life believing myself to be some sort of God, all powerful, all knowledgeable, but... I was just a servant then, one of many and now I'm even less than that. I've never been anything special.. Doctor Ferris is something special. Something unique.

Hell even Drake is something more special than I am. He's a normal human who saved my life in the forest and saved a bunch of other people risking his life to let others reach the forest safely. 

When the fight was over I... Didn't know what I was any more... I didn't feel like I belonged near Doctor Ferris. I felt like a liability. 

That's when I noticed something was watching the fight. It was one of Rioter's... or Jeer's wild people. It fled upon noticing that I was watching and I didn't even think before chasing after it. It was an excuse to get away from Doctor Ferris and not think. I had a job to do and I may not be worth much, but I can at least do this.

I caught up with the fleeing wildman and found that he'd led me back to a group. 

I don't have time for introspection now, it's time for action so I'm writing this now and then I'm going killing.

I can at least handle a bunch of brutes...

Friday, December 4, 2020

Through the Blizzard and Lightning... and strings... and Memory loss... and Guilt? Whatever the fuck the Valravn does?

 So... There was gunfire and death and a moose and also that one guy who can shoot lightning. 

With all that going on Drake and I... Continued to stay in hiding. I mean as much fun as it would be to help kill some people, we weren't going to risk ourselves unnecessarily and the Moose definitely seemed to have things in hand.

 The Superpowered people probably helped a bit too. 

Of course after the KRAKEN and White Comet people were done with we still had to deal with the Fears. 

Luckily we had had a plan already to deal with that. Of course things went a bit... More crazy than we expected.  

The Convocation was joined by The Wooden Girl and The Black Dog... Then The Blind Man showed up and our back up the Cold Boy joined him as did The Valravn. What is the Valravn... Honestly I'll get back to you on that one, but at least it appears to be on our side. 

So... This was the moment. Time to get into the forest. Drake and I emerged from our hiding spot wearing what were essentially lightly armored Hazardous Materials suits and we waddled as fast as we could towards the Forest. Lightning fell all around us as did dead frozen bird corpses, At least one person got grabbed by The Wooden Girl and turned their guns on the rest of the group. Which ended up being a problem and I ended up splitting up from Drake as Drake decided to go deal with them arguing that it was important that more than just the two of us made it into the forest. 

Before he ran off he grabbed my hand and told me he trusted me and knew that even without him I could handle things and then he ran off and last I saw of him was him tackling the unfortunate person and trying to wrench the gun from their hands. 


After that I remember almost getting hit by some kind of flesh tendril from the Dog, that was caught by The Blind Man and then I was in the forest and the sounds of the fighting were rapidly falling away behind me. 

I was worn out from all the running and took a few seconds to update and catch my breath. 

I think someone is coming, but they're talking and probably therefore aren't monsters... So... Honestly I'm just gonna keep resting. I really don't feel like running anymore.