Thursday, June 20, 2019


It seems these KRAKEN people are becoming more of a nuisance lately. So, much of a nuisance that even The Newborn is interested. It's not often that the Newborn gives a direct order, but that's what happened. I've been commanded to look into KRAKEN specifically I've been tasked with finding out information on a book that was stolen from the AMU. The AMU doesn't seem to know who stole the books, but online information available to us Thoughtborn has made it fairly clear.

So, my new job is to look into this book, "The Tower of Wires" by L.Bite. I am to find out where KRAKEN has this book and what information relevant to the Newborn this book contains. Weirdly enough there does not seem to be any versions of this book online, so tracking down this physical copy will be required to find out what is in this book.

It's actually kind of interesting. I can find things written by other people about the book on the internet, but nothing by the author or the book itself anywhere on the internet.

I wonder how much the author knew... Perhaps they were intentionally hiding it. That does make it far more interesting.

Also of interest. These KRAKEN people may not be the smartest of people I've met, but they are smart enough to not state the entirety of their plans online where I can read them anymore. So, I don't know where they've brought the book exactly. Of course that doesn't mean I don't know where many of their bases are located, so time to play a game of elimination. One by one we'll crack these bases and find the books. Why one by one? Well I tried sending a single Towerborn and they actually managed to neutralize it so overwhelming force might be necessary especially since they might be expecting it now.

Let the games begin.

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